A Tastier Way to Keep Cool

photo by chowdownphoenix

Twice this week I’ve been asked the same question: Is it getting hotter?

It is. It’s that time of the year when the humidity swells as the rainy season looms on the horizon. When Saigon turns into a virtual greenhouse. When the road exhaust bakes into your skin a little deeper. When at times it seems like there’s no escape from the heat.

Thankfully, L.A.-based food blogger Cathy Danh (and former AsiaLIFE staffer) has a solution: Keep Your Cool, a gastronomic guide to beating the heat the city.

Why pump the A/C when you can down some chilly (and delicious) che nhan or kem trai dua? If you’re feeling hot around the collar in Ho Chi Minh City, this is a particularly useful golden oldie from Cathy’s exceptional gas.tron.o.my blog.

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Filed under Food & Drink, Ho Chi Minh City

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